A Belief of Time
By: Jessica • Essay • 551 Words • March 25, 2010 • 1,406 Views
A Belief of Time
Perhaps our erratic production schedule over the last few issues made you wonder what was going on at Beyond Belief. Maybe you might have noticed that each issue seemed to take longer and longer for us to get out. Well, it’s a fact of life that as you get older, you tend to get more protective of your free time. And free time was something we found ourselves with less and less of. And to make matters worse, Elvis Costello has been so active that it requires almost a full-time job to keep up with him! I guess in some respects we all are a little burned-out with keeping track of Elvis. But in a nutshell, the moment has come where we simply do not have the time to give Beyond Belief the time that it deserves.
Therefore, I am sorry to say that Beyond Belief as a magazine for the foreseeable future is no more. We still hold EC’s music near and dear to our hearts and will do our best to maintain www.bbelief.com as a source for news and information about Elvis Costello. And from time-to-time we hope to add some of the features that in the past were part of the magazine. All I can say at this point is that we can’t make any promises!
I wrestled with this decision ever since we struggled to get the last issue out. Mark Perry, Dave Farr and I gave it every chance we could and considered a number of different ways to continue. But at the end of the day, we felt that the task of producing the ‘zine had finally taken its toll on us. In the end we all feel a sense of relief and look forward to having some more free time in and around the jobs, families and friends that the magazine often made us neglect.
This is also a very sad moment for me personally as I am very proud of what we have accomplished. What we achieved went beyond my wildest dreams. Through BB I made