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A Child's Guide to Concentrating for Kids with Adhd

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A Child's Guide to Concentrating for Kids with Adhd

Blazer, B. (1999). A child's guide to concentrating for kids with ADHD. Washington, DC: Shire.

Assisting children with ADHD to learn ways to improve their concentrating is key

to their success in school. Providing classroom and home environments that meet student’s needs is critical for long term success and self- esteem of children with attention


Baren, M. (2000). Hyperactivity and attention disorders in children. San Ramon, CA: Health Infonet Inc.'

ADHD is a complicated disorder that is most likely caused by some type of genetic problem in the chemistry of the nervous system. It can be made worse by the child’s environment. For some children the most obvious symptom may be problems with attention span. For others, the primary difficulty will be hyperactive or impulsive behavior. So there are two groups of such children- those who are mainly hyperactive or impulsive and those who are predominantly inattentive.

Rauch , D (2006 ). Hyperactivity Health . U.S. News & World Report,

Retrieved Apr 19 2007, from

Hyperactivity is a state of too much muscle activity. This term is also used to

describe a situation when a particular portion of the body is too active, such as when a

gland produces too much of a particular hormone. Hyperactive behavior usually refers to

a group of characteristics. These can include constant activity, being easily distracted,

impulsiveness, inability to concentrate, aggressiveness, and similar behaviors.

Ballas, C (2007). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.,

Retrieved Apr 19 2007, from

ADHD is a problem of with inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity, or a

combination. For these problems to be diagnosed as ADHD, they must be out of the

normal rage for the child’s age and development. ADHD affects school performance and

interpersonal relationships. Parents of children with ADHD are often exhausted and


Neuroimaging studies suggest that the brains of children with ADHD are different

from those of other children. These children handle neurotransmitters (including

dopamine, serotonin, and adrenalin} differently from their peers.

Sue, David (1994). Understanding Abnormal Behaivior. Boston,

MA: Houghton Mufflin Company

Two major types of ADHD exist. One is characterized primarily by attention problems and the other involves hyperactivity. Both of these problems may occur in the same individual. ADHD is associated with many behavioral and academic problems.

Children with this disorder are more likely to need to attend special classes or schools,

Drop out of school, become delinquent, and have problems with the law.

Hanes, C (2005). ADHD in Children. WebMD, Retrieved Apr 19 2007, from

Childhood ADHD is diagnosed after a child has shown six or more specific

Symptoms of inactivity and/or hyperactivity on a regular basis for more than six months

in more than two settings. There is no single test for ADHD. A physician can diagnose

ADHD with the help of standard guidelines. The diagnosis of ADHD involves the

gathering information from several sources, including school caregivers, and parents. The

doctor will consider how a child’s behavior compares

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