A Child Called It Review
By: Venidikt • Book/Movie Report • 278 Words • April 7, 2010 • 1,688 Views
A Child Called It Review
A Child Called It
David Pelzer’s A Child Called It, is so good. It is based on a true story of his life.
Everything that happened in this book happened to him in real life.
It is about a boy, David, who is abused as a child. He lives with his parents and two
brothers. His mother abuses him and only him. The things she does to him are horrifying. And
the dad wont help him because he is afraid to do anything. He is to clean the entire house
spotless, and do anything else his mother asks of him. He only gets a few scraps for dinner if he
gets to eat at all. Some of the punishments she does to him are turning the stove on and making
him lay across it, swallow house hold cleaners like ammonia and other very harmful substances.
She sends him to school with no lunch so he ends up stealing from his