A Comparison Between Matthew and Mark
By: regina • Research Paper • 1,874 Words • May 2, 2010 • 1,572 Views
A Comparison Between Matthew and Mark
A Comparison between Matthew and Mark
While both books of Mark and Matthew portray Peter as one of the most important followers of Jesus, Mark seems to emphasize Jesus' spiritual career unlike the broad, more in-depth pursuit of Jesus' life that Matthew embellishes on. As both Jesus' student and friend, Peter is the one disciple most commonly referred to in the stories. Yet the two passages seem to draw different pictures of Jesus' distinguished disciple. In Matthew, Peter seems to play a larger role in Jesus' teachings and seems more significant to Jesus throughout the book. In Mark, he is still important, but to a lesser extent in the eyes of the author. Mark leaves Peter out of a few of the stories altogether and only touches on Peter's importance to Jesus towards the very end. Each difference in the stories connected to Peter gives a slightly altered account of his personality and role.
Peter is introduced as one of Jesus' first followers in both Matthew 4.18 and Mark 1.16. Both passages seem to recount Jesus' speech word-for-word. He merely said to Simon (a.k.a. Peter) and his brother, "'Follow me and I will make you fish for the people'"(Matthew 4.19, Mark 1.17). Their reaction is described in a simple phrase, "And immediately they left their nets and followed him"(4.20, 1.18). This story presents Peter and his brother as incredibly devoted to their leader from the first few moments. Whether their lives as fishermen were prosperous or not, to simply abandon everything for one stranger is risky and takes faith. The story's important message about Jesus' strength as a leader and his follower's devotion entices both authors to include it among their lessons.
Yet, Matthew's next significant mention of Peter is a story that Mark fails to develop. The story of Jesus walking on water appears in both accounts (Matthew 14.22-14.33 and Mark 6.47-6.52). Yet only in Matthew does Peter have a role in the story. Upon seeing Jesus on the water, he calls out, "'Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water'"(Mt. 14.28). He almost succeeds, yet he suddenly gives in to fear and begins sinking. Jesus scolds him by saying, " 'You of little faith, why do you doubt?'"(14.31). This draws a strange picture of Peter. He no longer simply listens to Jesus, but tries to become actively involved in his teacher's lessons. This idea is again shown in Matthew 15.15. After the parable of the blind leading the blind, Peter asks, " "Explain this parable to us." Jesus replies with a rather impatient remark, but dives a little further into the meaning. He often comes to Jesus with questions throughout Matthew and these questions always ask for clear definitions of stories or truths about some spiritual detail. Many times Jesus snaps a little at him, but Peter obviously is not swayed by any impatience his teacher bestows. This seems to paint a closer relationship between the two men, where Peter is not afraid of Jesus and Jesus is not simply polite to Peter, as teachers tend to be. Jesus' obvious favoritism of Peter, shown in the transfiguration and throughout the gospel, leads one to believe that the two are indeed close friends with trust and mutual respect, which allows them to be freer with their words to one another. Friends tend to be less polite and more open with each other, as Matthew has painted these two to be. Mark tends to leave out these little views into Peter's relationship with Jesus, for they are rather trivial when it comes to the message from the Lord. Yet these few questions leave the reader with a better understanding of how the divine one interacted with his close buddies and the very human qualities to the exalted one's day to day life.
Peter's deep trust in Jesus is apparent through his bold actions in Matthew's account of walking on water. His faith is so strong that he is willing to put his fears aside and try to trust God with the purity his teacher does. For a short while he appears to succeed, proving that he above all the other followers has the courage to follow and the faith to see him through. Yet the fears of a mortal man keep him from attaining the faith that Jesus has secured. His life still is at risk and God seems so abstract when you are inch away from drowning. By leaving this story out, it appears Mark does not want to acknowledge something about the story. Perhaps he believes that Jesus and Jesus alone can accomplish such miracles and that the story undermines his power as the savior. Or the story could paint Peter as weak and without faith in some readers' eyes and Mark may wish to save Peter from that humiliation. Nevertheless, it creates an important parable