A Dolls House
By: Anna • Essay • 466 Words • April 11, 2010 • 1,392 Views
A Dolls House
Nora received supernatural aid in the form of self awareness of her own value/worth. Some could say her ignorance, ignorant as to what her actions would cause to happen if they where known publicly. Innocently she thought there was nothing wrong with saving her husbands life, but his pride, his ego would be hurt and society would outcast them. Another form of aid was Linde who served as a mirror like character who showed Nora what she had done in a way, and how an independent woman could
The long and winding road was quite harsh on Nora, even a close friend such as Dr. Rank proved to be an obstacle she had to hurdle when he professed his love to her. All the time Krogstads blackmailing her, having to raise money, working at nights and the like where constant torments. The constant secrecy and stress accumulating and building up never giving her space to catch her breathe. To top it all off, Helmer continually restricted her, molded and sculpted her like a toy. Any other character would have cracked under this enormous burden but Nora just kept on going, with the hope of a “wonderful thing” keeping her going.
Stumbling upon the realization that the “wonderful thing” was but a mere fantasy that did not exist marked her final encounter with the ultimate dragon, Torvald. She had already had to tolerate his restrictions and lack of freedom that he imposed on her tyrannically. Also, there is the blackmailing by Krogstad whose hunger for a second chance to redeem him self is great. However, he does not plan on relinquishing the bond, which gives him the leverage over Nora. Her