Aalsmeer Ppt
By: tommy91 • Essay • 257 Words • April 29, 2011 • 1,668 Views
Aalsmeer Ppt
Executive Summary
Organizational Background
Current Situation
Value Chain and Industry
Structure of Aalsmeer Flower Auction
Auction and Mediating Processes at the Aalsmeer Flower Auction
Setting The Stage
Case Description
E-Business Phase I: Flower Access
E-Business Phase II: Flower XL
Phase 3: Electronic Trading Place
Technical Aspects of Different E-Business Systems
Organizational and Cultural Implications
Summary of the Case Description
Current Challenges and Problems Facing the Organization
Earlier 20th Century - a cooperative joined forces to counterbalance the middlemen
Eastern Aalsmeer – Flowerlove 1911/12
Aalsmeer Village-Central Aasmeer Auction (CAV) 1912
Globally-producing growers and globally active wholesalers and exports
55,000 transaction
19 million flower and 2 million plants
7,000 growers worldwide
1,375 wholesalers and exporters
44% market share
2,000 employees
Annual turnover of over 1.5 billion Euros in 2002
Cut flowers around 1 billion Euro; plants 5 million Euro
55% market share in Dutch floricultural experts:
3.4 billion Euro in 2002 traded in Netherlands, 44% in Aalsmeer
Products originating from other auctions