Abortion - It’s Your Choice
By: Bred • Essay • 749 Words • May 27, 2010 • 1,418 Views
Abortion - It’s Your Choice
Is the termination of an unborn child really worse than unwanted babies being abandoned in a back alley? Making abortion illegal will increase the rate of deserted babies and unsafe back alley abortions. Having a pro-choice society would make a pregnant woman’s decisions a lot easier and less stressful. People who go through this type of thing need support from their friends and family, not criticism.
Along with the judgment of other people who are totally against abortions, the women who go through with them go through a lot of trauma and emotional pain. A person who has already had it done may feel feelings of remorse and guilt either right after, or somewhere down the road. Having other people attack them for what they did would only make it worse and could lead to some serious emotional depression.
Abortion is almost an expected thing for rape victims. Imagine, every time looking into a child’s eyes and seeing the face of someone who has abused you in such a way. Everyone should have the option. Think of the unfit teenage mothers, the rape and incest victims, and the couples with a really complicated family medical history.
Even if abortion is illegalized, it will not stop people from getting them done or performing them in an unclean and dangerous environment. If a couple is desperate enough, they will try anything to get themselves out of a tight situation. There are many pro-life anti-abortionists who, if a woman went and got one, or if a doctor who performed them, would commit violent or murderous acts against them. This is hypocritical in the sense that they are criticizing people for disposing of an unborn fetus, where they are killing grown adults. The thought of anti-abortionists is that if a person is responsible enough to engage in sex, they should be responsible enough to take care of a child, and it should not result in the termination or “murder” of a fetus. But what about the numerous times both parties of the deed are aware? There are plenty of drugs in the world that can be used to alter a person’s mind so they can easily be taken advantage of.
There are lots of people out there who are so against the idea of abortion, but have no idea what kind of trauma the people involved have to live through. Judging someone negatively without knowing what they have to go through is in bad taste. It’s entirely up to the people involved and it does not need to be widely known what kind of things they prefer.
Generally, if there is an unwanted child in a family, they are often ignored