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Abortion - Slaughtering the Young

By:   •  Essay  •  674 Words  •  March 30, 2010  •  1,253 Views

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Abortion - Slaughtering the Young

Abortion, the easiest way to fix one's mistakes. I mean, if one is

going to screw around and accidentally get knocked up, why should they have to

be responsible for the outcome of messing around. Why not just murder the

unborn child. That is what goes on daily, slaughtering of young, innocent

children, that if born, would easily find a home. What did they [the unborn

child] do wrong? Oh nothing, it's just that the mother and/or father are just

so lazy and irresponsible that they would rather see their child be butchered

than have to change it's diaper or feed it. Society today does not respect

life and therefore accepts the murdering of unborn children.

A major factor that is missing is society in today's world are moral

values. If people actually had morals, then abortion might not occur. No

matter what anyone argues, abortion is murder, plain and simple. How could one

deny that when a doctor grabs his forceps and crushes a child's skull and sucks

out what was once a brain, how could they say that is not murder, how could

someone get away with doing this. Then again people ask that same question

about OJ.

There are many abortion-slaughter techniques that are used today.

Examples are the Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) where a loop shaped steel knife

is inserted and the child is cut into pieces, also there is the Dilatation and

Evacuation (D&E) where the doctor uses forceps with sharp metal jaws and tears

the child apart, piece by piece. Usually the head is hardened to bone and must

be compressed or crushed in order to get it out. Another highly controversial

technique that is getting a lot of publicity nowadays is the partial birth

method. This procedure in performed in the second and third trimesters of

pregnancy or between 20 to 32 weeks, sometimes later. Now according to

Abortion: Some medical facts, a book printed by the National Right to Life,

the partial birth technique is performed like this: "Guided by ultrasound, the

abortionist reaches into the uterus, grabs the unborn baby's leg with forceps,

and pulls the baby into the birth canal,

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