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About Me

By:   •  Essay  •  321 Words  •  March 20, 2010  •  805 Views

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About Me

As a kid I was quite funny looking, because of something I was forced to wear. The things was I had really bad eyes when I was a kid so when the doctor told me I needed glasses, I wasn’t worried how I would look I actually thought glasses would make me look smart. Not these glasses though, these glasses where the size of my head, it was like two telescopes were on each eye of mine. I was quite embarrassed with them, but I was a kid I knew no better. The type of kid in turned me into was not who I wanted to be I knew that, my self-esteem was low and my head was always down.

The one thing I did have going for me was I was a great athlete. I played soccer, baseball, basketball, and track. I must say the glasses had there advantages because all they saw was they geeky looking kid, but when the game started the last laugh was on them I made sure. It was through sports that made me realized that I needed to change. The kid I was

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