Admitting to a Mistake
By: Top • Essay • 505 Words • May 5, 2010 • 1,355 Views
Admitting to a Mistake
Admitting to a mistake, knowing that the outcome can be negative is difficult. In like manner, taking charge and trying to fix the mistake is also an ardous task. In doing these actions comes responsibility, which his another word for trust or commitment. Likewise, standing up for what one believes in can also be an act of responsibility. Responsibility is like confession, because it requires honesty, and being honest isn’t always the simplest alternative. Sometimes people rather find the easy way out rather than doing what is right. This is a problem in which it takes an effort from oneself to fix. Taking responsibility for ones actions is the key to living and leading the right life.
Responsibility is taking charge of the mistakes committed
. For example, if a teen gets his girlfriend pregnant it is his responsbility to assure the health and well being of the baby.
Responsibilty is everywhere from when you wake up in the morning , to concur with the time at work, to going to sleep early to be ready and committed
for the next day.
Taking the blame for ones mistakes is also an act of responsibility, and can most of the time be the most difficult to do. For instance, if one is at the store and accidentally hits a parked car , it is ones responsibilty to either wait for the owner of the vehicle or leave a card with one’s info to take care of the dilemna.
In a family, the father’s responsibilty is to assure the well being of his family by providing whatever it might need; the mother’s responsibilty is to take care of the household and children while the father is doing his daily labors; the responsibility of the children