All I Want for Christmas Is My Left Front Tooth
By: Victor • Essay • 510 Words • May 30, 2010 • 1,138 Views
All I Want for Christmas Is My Left Front Tooth
All I want for Christmas is my left front tooth!
"Mom, can I get those chocolates?" I said with a hungry look on my face.
"Yup, just hurry up please, we're next". I started running towards the shelf that had those delicious, gold wrapped chocolate coins on them. I jumped up because I couldn't reach, and the next thing I knew CRUNCH! I had broken my tooth. I just realized that after I saw it lying on the ground. Little did I know, I wasn't the only one in the family that did this.
When my Grandmother was young she was very active. She was an only child and had a lot of friends to keep her busy. Everyday after school her and her friends would play baseball in the street for hours, until they were finally called for dinner. Well one afternoon while playing, it was her turn to bat, so she went to the stick that was used for first base and began waiting for the pitcher. After waiting for a good minute or two, she got distracted by a bug that had just flown by her face and at that moment was when the pitcher threw that fast ball right into her mouth. CRACK, she had broken her left front tooth. While she was still growing she had it temporally fixed and later had it crowned.
On a sunny day years ago when my mom was seven, she decided to go to the playground to play and have some fun. After running around for a few hours she decided to test her strength on the monkey bars. This probably wasn't the best of ideas, because she too would end up with no front tooth. After climbing to the top, she began