By: noraznorbella • Term Paper • 742 Words • April 12, 2015 • 1,008 Views
Aluminum (Nora/E8-1)
A chemical element in the boron group in group 13 of the periodic table, it is Aluminum, aluminum is nonconductive. Hans Christian Oersted of Denmark in1825 first isolated it.
In 1854, the first commercial process about extracting aluminum was created by someone who named Henri Sainte Claire Deville. He used some sodium aluminum chloride instead of the expensive potassium. He improved the whole method by what he had created.
Aluminum was much more expensive than gold and platinum before because there’s sodium in the process, but drop 90%. After the currently used of electrolytic, more and more commercials appeared and take over it, also dominate the whole industry. Electrolytic developed very slowly, a scientist failed on doing some experiences of putting aluminum and potash. Many years later, in 1854, two researchers had successes. They were able take out the aluminum through the electrolysis with some sodium aluminum chloride separately by their self’s but for some reasons this new process has never been publish yet. In 1886, dynamo was invented. Someone called Gramme invented it; this new invention has become the electrolytic process we’re using today.
There were two scientist who worked separately and don’t know anything about each other’s work. They were both inventing a new useful process and method that scientist are using today. One of them named Hall-Heroult. He’s process has become the basic of every commercial that is about aluminum production this day.
Describe he’s process in detail, he dissolved in liquefied cryolite and decomposed electrolytic by passing it through a strongly and powerful electric current, and then molten aluminum would precipitate out. In addition, Aluminum coast cheap already.
Aluminum is a silvery white colored metal and shiny. It’s light in weight and strong. The luster of Aluminum is not lustering but dull. Its hardness is between1 to 3, which is not strong. The color ranging of aluminum is between white to a dark red brown color. Aluminum can be use in the construction, due to its lightness and strength. Electrical conductivity in aluminum is very high. Aluminum is also a very active metal.
Electrical Conductivity and Thermal Conductivity. Thermal Conductivity can cooling energy and spread heat quickly. It is also non-toxic.
Aluminum can be use in building and construction. Something that is a part of a big structures, like shops or supermarkets. Further more, aluminum has used in many transparent like planes, trains or cars because of its strength, weightlessness and not heavy, easy to get or use. Electricity has something to do with aluminum, electrical equipment like, power lines and electricity is making use of about 10% aluminum. It has low density and high ductility. Expensive things like power lines of copper need extra support structures to support its high electrical conductivity. Aluminum does not require all these, which is a good choice. Aluminum replaced copper in transformers and wiring systems. It can also be used in casings, mountings, fuse boxes, satellite dishes, television sets, household appliances, sound systems, and other communication and much other electronic equipment. Many consumer products make use of aluminum, which include household fittings, gas cylinders, containers, bicycles, and things like that.