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American Culture

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American Culture

Popular culture has become very influential in our society. It has many different ways in which it could persuade people to buy or get what is out there. One of the mayor sources, is the many groups of industries that are looking into gaining profit by promoting or inventing cultural materials. The most popular are music, film, television, radio, video game and books. By these means the industries are trying to persuade

people into changing their minds and decide that what they are promoting is the best out there.

Popular culture, or pop culture, is the vernacular (people's) culture that prevails in any given society. The content of popular culture is determined by the daily interactions, needs and desires, and cultural 'moments' that make up the everyday lives of the mainstream. It can include any number of practices, including those pertaining to cooking, clothing, mass media and the many facets of entertainment such as sports and literature.

With all the propaganda on TV and Radio the main popular culture they are trying to get attention from are kids and teenagers. Technology is one of the mayor artifacts that is propagated on TV and radio and their main target is teenagers and kids. With all the new video games that there is, now is more of a competition among kids of who has the latest video game. Among teenagers and kids there is always the trend of who has the most popular I-pod, or the new cell phone, and with the industry always bringing something new is becoming hard for parents to keep their kids happy. Also with all of the new cartoon characters that show on TV is hard to satisfy our kids desires. Toddlers are also targeted through the many different cartoons on Television. For example, Sponge Bob is a very popular character on TV so, many industries use his character to sell kids clothes, party supplies, or toys of this character since is a popular one it would bring them a big profit.

Another trend is the many different fast food restaurants that are promoted by the media. One the most popular one is, like everyone knows, McDonald’s to where every toddler or kid wants to go. Many times kids don’t even want to go there because of their food, but because of all the propaganda there is on TV on Ronald McDonald the clown. Another one that is very popular among the

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