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American Foreign Policy Toward Iraq Since 2006

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American Foreign Policy Toward Iraq Since 2006

Foreign policy of major powers

Jennifer skulte ouaiss

American Foreign policy toward Iraq since 2006


I) War on Terror Shaping United States Foreign Policy

II) Installation of a new Iraqi government based on 18 benchmarks

a. New way forward

b. Application of all elements of national powers

c. Security

III) General Interest in Iraqi: The New Iraqi oil law.



The invasion of Iraq was in 2003 after the 9/11 attacks of twin towers. The first claim was the possession of Saddam Hussein of weapons of Mass Destruction and his support to terrorist groups including Al Qaeda which threats the United States National Security. Although UN report mentioned no presence of such weapons, Bush insisted on their existence saying that CIA reports do mention Mass Destruction weapons in Iraq. US foreign policy was also shaped by the Liberation of Iraq from the tyrant Saddam Hussein. Bush states "Because we acted, Saddam Hussein no longer fills fields with the remains of innocent men, women and children. Because we acted, Saddam's torture chambers and rape rooms and children's persons have been closed for good". (President Bush remarks on global war on terror, White House, March, 19, 2008) .So free Iraq was a second mission. This foreign policy changed toward Iraq when an Allied government came to power in 2006. Collaboration described Iraq and United States the Best on all fields fighting Terrorism in Iraq, and on Democratization process but also oil is an important player in US foreign policy due to US enormous consumption of oil and Iraq reservoirs of oil that used to feed US a little compared to post-Saddam period. All this points are components in US policy toward Iraq .

Terrorism shaping US foreign policy

The US war on Terror globally began with the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and then with the government of 2006 the combat of government against what is called Militia by some and resistance by others is the war for Americans too who installed as will be explained below an allied government under Maliki as prima minister.To be able fight in the Global War on Terror they should fight terrorist groups within the countries they invade to fight terrorism if al Sader ,a Shiite leader, today stands against the Iraqi army,this combat is the one of US too because Sader is against the American presence in Iraq and call it as an Occupation. Here is a transition, first the war on terror began with Afghanistan then Iraq then faction,groups in Iraq. It is true that the government in power today is a Shiite government friendly to US for reasons that would be stated later, but also one of the most important leaders in Iraq against american intervention in Iraq is a Shiite too who is Muqtada Al Sader, also divisions in the country between Sunnis, Shiite, Kurds complicated things for Americans. Now they have two wars one on global terror and another on domestic terror. The cause of invasion that is terrorism under pretext of building better institutions, governmentin the Middle East to contribute to do so in the world is becoming more and more hard for the US administration that was extending each time its presence in Iraq to build more and more security .But this seems to change since government is in power, first because the government is a friend of the US, second because the cost of the war whether on the humanitarian side or financially side, noting that US contribution under Bush education social welfare have declined due to this war, so they began to talk more and more and put headlines for normal relation between a sovereign government the US and a sovereign government of Iraq marked by the declaration of principles for long terms US Iraqi relationship that is to normalize relations between these two countries, so US is planning carefully the transition from a savior

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