An Unhappy Ending
By: Venidikt • Research Paper • 1,058 Words • April 21, 2010 • 1,204 Views
An Unhappy Ending
Marriage is a forever commitment between two individuals to love one another but marriages don't always have the fairytale happy ending. In Henrik Ibsen's play A Doll House, Nora and Torvald Helmer learn some things about their marriage that they have not realized until now. Nora Helmer discovers Torvald, herself, her marriage, as well as her own identity as a woman.
Nora Helmer, the wife of Torvald Helmer, throughout the whole play has been keeping a secret from her husband. A few years back when Torvald became ill the doctor recommended that the whole family move south in order for Torvald to fully recover. Torvald would not pay the money for the family to move so instead, Nora borrowed the money from the bank, without her husband knowing. During the time when this was written women didn't have the authority to do such things as what Nora did. On top of just borrowing money from the bank, without her husband knowing, she forged her fathers signature on the promissory note because she would have gotten in trouble, as a woman, borrowing money let alone her husband might have gotten fired. Nora thinks that her husband, Torvald, will never find out until after she repays her debt and then she will tell him. Well, Nora pays off her debt but the explanation to Torvald wasn't as easy and painless as Nora thought it would be. In Act III of the famousplay The Doll House Torvald finds out what Nora did and Nora realizes some things in her life from that point on.
One of the things that Nora learned was that of her husband Torvald. Nora always had this idea that her husband was perfect and loved her like no one else. Nora also saw Torvald as some what of a pushover more than a dictator. He seems to let Nora do whatever she wants as long as he does not have to deal with her. Once Torvald finds out about the money Nora sees the true side of Torvald. Nora expects compassion from Torvald because she only did it "because she loved him." Instead Torvald only thinks about himself and his appearance. Torvald also panics after hearing the news of the "crime" Nora has committed on his behalf but Torvald doesn't show the lease remorse for what may happen to his wife. Torvald is only concerned with his reputation. Nora expected Torvald to treat her with gratitude and understanding instead he threatens and blames her for messing up his family. When the promissory note arrives, that states that Nora is no longer in debt to the bank, Torvald shouts," I'm saved." Torvald saying that just shows that he was only thinking about himself during the panic. Nora is the one that is "saved" but Torvald doesn't seem to acknowledge that Nora’s reputation is the one at stake.
Torvald's reaction to the letter opens Nora eyes to the truth about her relationship with Torvald . Nora starts thinking of ways to change her priorities and of course an action to take. Nora shifts her thinking from suicide to deciding to leave Torvald and her kids. Nora becomes more independent on herself rather than having to rely on Torvald. Nora now realizes that she can escape from Torvald's realm of a "perfect family" and have no regrets.
Nora realizes some things about herself throughout Torvald's panic also. Nora realizes that since she has been treated as a child her entire life, she is still very child like and now needs to grow up. Nora sees that she must grow up on her on before she can take any responsibilities for her as well as for her children. Nora also realizes that she is a human being before she is a wife and a mother, and that