Animal Farm Case
By: shannon.wesson • Book/Movie Report • 824 Words • February 21, 2015 • 971 Views
Animal Farm Case
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There are so many characters in this book. The main ones though would probably be Mr. Jones, Mrs. Jones, Major, Napoleon, Snowball, Squealer, Boxer and many other animals on the farm. Major was an old and very wise pig. He introduced the animals to animalism; all he wanted was for animals to be free and not to be used to work and slave day after day on a farm. Napoleon, Snowball, and Squealer were the three main pigs that continued teaching animalism after Major died. Napoleon turned out to be an evil and very conniving pig that only really planned on basically taking over the humans’ role of being the boss of all of the animals on the farm. Boxer was a very loyal and dedicated farm animal who worked his very hardest until he couldn’t work anymore. Even after all his hard work, Napoleon and the other pigs in charge just sent him away to the slaughterer.
None of the animals thought that the rebellion would happen in their lifetime. Then one day they got their chance. When the farm was run by Mr. and Mrs. Jones the animals were not feed enough and they worked long horrible hours. They watched all the terrible things that humans did in their everyday lives. They realized that the human beings took from them but never gave back. When the rebellion finally occurred the animals lived just like they had imagined. Free to do whatever they wanted and never would be forced to work again. Or so they thought. As time went on they started drifting away from the laws and guidelines of animalism. The pigs started to take total control just like the humans had had. They began to do things man did, they began to sleep in beds and drink whiskey. Many years later most of the animals couldn’t remember how it was before the rebellion and most weren’t sure that how it was now was any better than back then.
It all began when Major told the animals about his dream and how some day animals will live free and prosperous. This lead to the teaching of what they called animalism. Then the animals chased Jones and his men off the farm and this was the start of the rebellion. Then Jones and some of his fellow farmers decided to try and take back the farm. This was called the Battle of Cowshed. The animals were once again victorious. A little while after that one of the leading pigs, Snowball was chased off the farm by Napoleon’s pack of dogs.
Napoleon and Squealer began to tell the animals all the things Snowball had done behind their backs. They started rumors about how Snowball was Mr. Jones’ secret agent, all along he was working for him and plotting on how to destroy animal. After that point everything that went wrong was automatically because of Snowball. Later the two neighboring farms, Foxwood and Pinchfield, attacked Animal Farm. They blew up the windmill that the animals had worked for nearly 2 years on and killed many of the animals but Animal Farm stood strong and still defeated the humans. The animals began to build the windmill over again. Boxer, the strongest and most hard working animal on the farm worked twice as hard as he ever did. One day though he went out to take a load of stones on his own. Suddenly the pigeons came hurdling toward the others, Boxer and fallen and couldn’t get back up. Something happened to his lung. For two days he just laid in his stall waiting on the doctor that Squealer said would be there soon. A van came but it was not to go to the hospital, they were sending him to the horse slaughterer. When it was noticed, it was too late to save him. Years passed and many of the animals that had been on the farm during the rebellion had died. Clover and Benjamin were the only ones other then the pigs that could really remember any of it. Napoleon had become more of a dictator then a comrade. Then one day all of the pigs came out of the farmhouse…on two hoofs. This was forbidden, it was even in the seven commandments that the animals lived by. But the pigs had gotten all evidence of what animalism and the rebellion was all about. The pigs were becoming more human every day.