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Animal Farm

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Animal Farm

This novel takes place at a farm, which its name is Manor Farm, who’s owned by Mr. Jones. He a drunk that never really took care of his animals. There was a Boar that lived on the farm his name was Old Major. He is twelve years old, had lately grown rather stout, majestic- looking pig, tushes never been cut, and wise and benevolent appearance. He sets up a meeting to discuss an important matter that happened to him the night before.

The discussion to place at night after Mr. Jones was asleep. In a barn is where all the animals had gather to listen to Old Major speech. Three dogs, a cat, pigeons, hens, pigs, cows, sheep’s, two horses named Clover, mother that never got her figure back after her fourth foal, the other named boxer, enormous beast, strong as two horses put together, white stripe down his nose, not very intelligent, respected for steadiness of character and tremendous powers of work, Muriel the goat, and Benjamin the donkey, the oldest animal on the farm and also the worst tempered. Topics of the meeting were that they do all the labor and get nothing back. Also says men are evil and that the animals should never adjust to their lifestyle. That is live in a house, sleep in bed, were clothes, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, touch money, or engage in trade. An animal must not kill another animal. Last one was all animal are equal. All the animals agreed.

This was his dream and the men were vanished. There was a song that he had forgot in from when he was little, but the dream reminded him the song. He sang the song that is called Beast of England. Eventually everyone knew the song. Then they went to sleep.

Three nights later Old Major pasted away. It’s now early March and a lot of secret activity has been happening for the past three months. They would have meetings after Mr. Jones was a sleep and ended the meeting with the song Beast of England.

There were three pigs that elaborated Old Majors theory. They also called it Animalism. Out of the three pigs two of them were boars, first one named Napoleon, large, fierce- looking, and not much of a talker, but got everything his own way. The other boar was named Snowball, a vivacious pig, quicker in speech, and more inventive. Third one is a porker named Squealer, very round cheeks, twinkling eyes, nimble movements, shrill voice, and brilliant talker.

In the past years Mr. Jones lost money in a lawsuit. Afterwards he drank more, the field was full of weeds, and the animals were getting underfed. When June came they just started to forget feeding the animals. They got so hungry they went to the store-shed a broke the doors open. Mr. Jones and four men went there and started whipping the animals. Their reaction was different this time, and they ended chasing Mr. Jones and his men off of their property.

They’ve been learning how to read and write and with the sign that said Manor Farm, they changed to Animal Farm. Napoleon took puppies from the mother because he was going to teach them how to read and write. He took them and stuck them on the second floor, which you needed a ladder to get up there. Eventually everyone forgot about the puppies. They also wrote on a wall were the Seven Commandments, which are 1) Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. 2) Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. 3) No animal shall wear clothes. 4) No animal shall sleep in bed. 5) No animal shall drink alcohol. 6) No animal shall kill any other animal. 7) All animals are equal.

They went to the hayfield, to collect food for the harvest. It was the biggest harvest ever. The pigs were the ones who directed the animals all of the work. During the summer they all worked. Every Sunday they had a meeting and ended the meeting with the song Beast of England.

By late summer the news of what happened to Animal farm has spread across half of the country. The pigeons went to neighboring farms to the story of the rebellion and to teach the song. Mr. Jones on the other hand spent his time sitting in the taproom of the Red Lion at Willingdon.

There were two farms next two Animal Farm the first one was the Foxwood Farm. It was large, old fashioned, all the pasture warn out, and the hedges in a disgraceful condition. Pilkington owned the Farm; he was an easygoing gentleman, fished and hunted depending on the season. Frederick owned Pinchfield Farm, tough, shrewd man, always involved in lawsuits, but his barn was smaller and better kept.

Early October Mr. Jones and all his men plus a half a dozen more from the other farms they tried to get Mr. Jones farm back. They entered the gate. And walked straight forward, but the animals attacked and the men retreated. Only one sheep died.

It was January and they couldn’t do much. They just decided to make decisions for the up coming season. Snowball wanted to make a windmill for electricity

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