Animal Rights
By: Steve • Essay • 1,182 Words • April 19, 2010 • 1,215 Views
Animal Rights
“We call them dumb animals, and so they are,
for they cannot tell us how they feel,
but they do nut suffer less because
they have no words.”
Sewelle, Anna. Black Beauty.(2000)
Through the course of evolution both the animal and the human species have evolved; humans ironically taking form from prehistoric animals as well.
As our body and mind have evolved we have separated from each other on this so called hierchy chain. The human species once a hunter similar to Paleolithic animals have now assumed the dominant role on this planet. Unavoidably there are obstacles such as disease, and pollution that we cannot overcome at this period in time; diseases and colds being the sole killer of almost a quarter of the life form on this planet. J.B.S Haldanes, “Some enemies of science” (1928) Persuades readers towards emotional, rather than ethical responses regarding the constant struggle in the right to use animals for medical, and physiological research (pp 225-230). In regards to Mr. Haldanes position on the matter, that rules and regulations required to be filled out for animal experimentation, “anti vivisectionists who are against all painful or possible painful experiments” (1 p 227) that apparently have no results for science as well as the lies on pain and suffering in animals stated by anti-vivisectionists need to be cleared up and made understandable. These laws and allegations must be permitted, and truthfully told for us as a people to succeed in science.
J.B.S Haldane’s Work’s on science have sparked many controversial arguments with animal rights, and anti-vivisectionists regarding the fight on animal experimentation. Today in many countries as well as England in 1928 the procedure to obtain permission for animal experimentation is a long and horrendous procedure. In 1928, under the British Law Code “scientists had to obtain a license for virtually painless experiments” that are only permitted to be carried out in a small number of scientific laboratories. (2 p 226) Today in North America and England laws are being passed out by the dozen regarding the use of animals-specifically what type of animal, and for the type of scientific experiment. Due to these growing animal rights laws as well as a large number of anti-vivisectionists protesting, scientists are being debarred from a wide field of science. Arguably if these rules are not cut down and procedures are held at a medium or minimum, science regarding disease; that saves human lives, will therefore fall behind as we proceed into the future. If it is the extinction of animals or the pain that most people worry about, there are simple explanations. Evolution and natural selection has been happening for centuries. Animals that are on the brink of extinction will develop new species better suited for this natural environment, or as humans have been doing so for the last half of the 21st century breed and establish an environment for these animals. Pain and suffering of animals are held to a minimum due to anesthetics, and other pain killers.
Scientist is faced with the reputation as evil maniacal men that are torturing, and making animal suffer. They are seen injecting disease and drugs into animals that in the end will eventually kill it. We see scientist open up animals in experiments; afterwards the animals dies. Yet most people against animal experimentation do no consider that these animals are drugged and do no feel anything that is happening to them. Though without any hesitation animal deaths in a laboratory are the worse types of deaths. Aldine(1928) uses an example that “The sportsman may go out and shoot as many rabbits as he pleases; and if some of them are wounded and escape to die in lingering deaths in their holes, no blame attaches to him. But if he anaesthetizes one of his own rabbits at home, and opens his abdomen to observe the effect of drug on its intestines, killing it before it recovers consciousness, he will be lucky if he escapes with a fine”.(3 p 226)
Antivivisectionist I believe do not understand that out in the real world there are animals dying from the sensation of killing a living thing while it is still alive rather than