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Anne Frank and the Holocaust

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Anne Frank and the Holocaust

                          Anne Frank and the Holocaust

        Hi, my name is Anne Frank. I am a 13 year old girl living in the midst and struggle of the Holocaust and World War II. My immediate family and I are scared that one day we will be split up and sent to concentration camps. We are hoping for the best and hope we will never have any problems with the Nazis or having to go into hiding.
        Today is June 12
th, 1942 and it’s my 13th birthday. I’ve really wanted a diary so that is what I would like to receive from my parents. We don’t have much money but I can still wish for a diary. If I don’t receive one I will forgive my parents though because I know any day we could be separated so I don’t want to take anything for granted.

Day 1 Diary

        My wishes came true; I got a diary for my birthday! In this diary I will write everyday on what experiences I had that day. I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday, my only wish came true. I got my diary and I am very happy!

Day 25 Diary

        Today my family and I went into hiding. We are in one of my dad’s work buildings.   It is very nerve-wracking to know that at any time we could be separated and taken to concentration camps. We just have to hope for the best but time is ticking away.

Day 35 Diary

         We are still in hiding, but there is no sign of Nazis coming to find or get us. I hope nobody turns on us and tells the Nazis were we are hiding out. I can barely think of the pain that we would suffer from if we got separated from each other. I would care much more about my father and mothers health than I am my own health. Please dear lord help us stay safe.

2 Years later

August 4th 1944

        I haven’t been keeping up on the diary dates, but that does not matter. We have been in hiding for so long, it seems like I will be in here for all of my life. I just heard something outside, and I don’t know what it was. My father is telling me to be quite but I’m freaking out. Is this the day we come out of hiding? Did someone rat us out? So many questions to be asked. This may be the last journal entry I ever have.

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