By: Wendy • Essay • 467 Words • May 26, 2010 • 1,108 Views
The government portayed in Anthem, by Ayn Rand, has completely eliminated all opposition by forcing the society to believe that
everything is done for the good of man. The members of this society have been forced into conformity with the constant repitition of
subliminal propaganda. Equality is all and individuality is nothing, it doesn't even exist, meaning everyone thinks, eats, speaks, and acts the
same. This govenrment has existed for hundreds of years under one belief, " We are one in all and all in one. There are no men, only the
great WE, one, indivisible, and forever"(19). Equality and the Saint of the Pyre saw through this veil of fear. Through the process of
continuing his martyr's work, Equality came to realize that obedience, drudgery, and fear were not the only ways to live, and he knew he
had to find a better way.
"We are nothing, mankind is all..."(21) Teachers, students, and workers alike recite this line every night before going to sleep. This is just one example of the subliminal propagnada used to convince citizens they are equal. The messages are drilled in the people's minds with constant repitition and by placing them everywhere, in the same way the Andromedians controlled their people in the movie, They Live. These citizens have lived under this collectivist government that has reduced opposition to almost nothing. Having been taught that all men are equal, the citizens are convinced they need to maintain perfection for the good of man. How can one oppose a government that has been brainwashing