Applied Behavior Analysis
By: Sananda Basu Choudhury • Research Paper • 1,449 Words • September 5, 2014 • 1,603 Views
Applied Behavior Analysis
Table of Contents
Steps in Applied Behavior Analysis
Antecedent manipulation
Behavioral Treatment
Comprehensive Intervention
Naturalistic Teaching Strategies
Story based interventions
Applied Behavior Analysis is a psychological tool used for modifying the human behavior with the application of operant as well as classical conditioning theory. Applied Behavior Analysis is a procedure that applies various interventions which are based upon learning theories (Condillac and Legree, 2013). The major objective of this paper is to enhance the socially significant behavior of a human being to a certain degree. Applied behavior analysis is consisted of various behavioral principles which can be applied in everyday life for making the desired change in the behavior (, 2014). It has been used for helping the individuals in acquiring new skills such as new language, self help etc. Additionally, it can be used for reducing the maladaptive behaviors such as aggression, self-injury etc (Kearney, 2008). In this paper, a situation will be discussed and Applied Behavior Analysis will be applied for solving the academic and behavior problem of a student.
An eleven year old boy, Henry has been refusing to get engage in learning program since 5 years. He has been aggressive and stubborn which leads to undesired and uncivilized behavior. He has verbally abused teachers and other students. Moreover, he had damaged school properties. He tried to attempt suicide and told that he hated his life and want to kill himself. Previously he changed two schools and finds difficulties in reading, spelling etc. Whenever Henry is asked to write, he gets agitated. He has two friends in school and some friends outside of his school. Henry does not follow any rules in the classroom. However, once he gets settled, he participates in the discussions of the classroom and has shown his interest in mathematics. He has close relation with support workers. Henry has 4 siblings and he is the only child who lives with his mother and her boyfriend. His mother was a victim of domestic violence and his father is in prison. He has spent most of the time with his two grandmothers. He blackmails his mother and misbehaves with her so that he does not have to go to school. Though a psychometric assessment was attempted, Henry deliberately gave wrong answers and it was not done. In this situation, applied behavior analysis can help in solving the issues of Henry.
Steps in Applied Behavior Analysis
In the context of discussed scenario, an applied behavior analysis strategy has been developed designed. Discrete trial teaching will be an effective method for changing behavior of Henry (, 2014). The major reason behind the behavior of Henry is the childhood experience of violence and lack of attention. In order to change the behavior of Henry, following steps can be done:
Antecedent manipulation
It has been found that Henry is behaving in an abnormal manner and aggressively due to his previous experiences (, 2014). As he had witnessed the domestic violence, he transformed into an aggressive child. In this situation, the situational event that has leaded the child to that undesired behavior must be stopped. As Henry’s father has been imprisoned, Henry is staying with his mother and her boyfriend. The major cause has been abolished. Use of prompts, fading procedure can helps Henry to fade away his memory and get engaged to the present. He can be verbally prompted to get the desired behavior. Moreover, he has changed two schools and now he needs to continue in one school so that a strong social bond develops among his friends.
Behavioral Treatment
Few programs need to be designed for reducing the problem behaviors and enhancing the desired behavior. This can be done by adopting several treatments such as discrete trial training, reinforcement; functional communication training, modeling etc. Teachers and parent must actively participate in changing the behavior of Henry. As he throws away things, it implies, he needs more attention. He must be given attention and felt that everybody is there for supporting him. Reinforcement strategy will be helpful in this situation. When he is settled, he shows interest in mathematics. Hence, he must be appreciated every time he attempts to complete a sum. This will help to encourage the positive behavior and Henry can gain more interest in learning (, 2014).