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Are School Uniforms Good or Bad?

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Are School Uniforms Good or Bad?

Are School Uniforms Good Or Bad?

A safe and structured learning environment is the first requirement of a good school. Children who feel safe and secure will better learn basic American values.

For some schools violence may be a minor issue. For other schools it may be a daily concern. Threats of violence can keep students away from school. To make schools, safer everyone can and must help stop the violence that goes on at school. By everyone helping we can help solve the problem. I believe school uniforms should be required in public schools because it will help stop violence, lower cost for parents and help kids learn at school.

One reason for having school uniforms is to stop violence that is goes on at schools. By having mandatory uniforms students can no longer bring weapons to school. Weapons are hard to conceal when wearing school uniforms. “American public schools are facing violence on campus at an unprecedented rate. The National School Board Association estimates that approximately 135,000 guns are brought to America’s 85,000 public schools on a daily basis.” (Madrid 1) When students wear street clothes they have more places to hide weapons. By wearing school uniforms fewer weapons are brought to school and school functions. When weapons aren’t brought to school the school is a safe and structured learning environment. Students can no longer wear

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