By: Max • Essay • 282 Words • March 31, 2010 • 1,048 Views
Symbol: As
Atomic number: 33
Atomic weight: 74.9216
Discovered Albertus Magnus 1250, a German alchemist also known as Saint Albert the great and Albert of cologne he became famous for his comperensive knowledge and coexistence of science and religion. He was conciderd to be the greatest German philosopher and theologian of the middle ages.
Word origin:
Latin arsenicum and Greek arsenikon: yellow orpiment, identified with arenikos, male, from the belief that metals were different sexes; Arabic Az-zernikh: the orpiment from Persian zerni-zar, gold
What is arsenic:
Arsenic is an extremely poisonous semi metallic element. Arsenic occurs in two solid forms: gray, metallic in appearance, with a specific gravity of 5.7 and yellow, nonmetallic, with a specific gravity of 2.0. Since ancient times, man has known arsenic. Arsenic occurs frequently in some of the sulfur in the sulfides that are the principal ores of many heavy metals. When these ores are heated, the arsenic sublimes leaving ferrous sulfide.
Some Uses: