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ITE 670

Case Study One

1. How would you characterize the fit between MHS’s environment, competitive strategy, structure, and technology? Indicate any issues with this fit that might influence the success of the strategy.

1a.) I would characterize fit between MHC environment, competitive strategy, structure, and technology as a working progress situation.

2a.) All of these attribute needs to be looked at more closely, which is what was noted in the reading. Each one of theses attributes must be realigning so they will go hand and hand with one another.

2. How could HRD influence the shaping of the competitive strategy?

2a) An HRD personnel would be perfect for the implementation of a perfect organization competitive strategy because normally it is their job to manage training activities. In order for their job to be reached they would have to poses a great knowledge for what is being trained to insure that training is to be installed effectively.

3. In what ways might OD and training collaborate to maximize the effectiveness of the strategy? What forces are currently operating that drive or act to restrain the new strategy? Which of those need to change?

3a) Organization Development and training could maximize this training due to the fact that when an organization is implementing OD it will allow for some of the OD techniques to use in training. In return, helping with the work, culture, attitude and productivity.

3b) Some forces that act the drive would be external and internal issues that would be affected.

3c) Some external issues they thought that would help were the use of new technology to enable a two pronged market strategy. Internally, the shifting

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