Atmore Man Accused of Breaking into Jail
By: Wendy • Book/Movie Report • 2,072 Words • June 7, 2010 • 1,729 Views
Atmore Man Accused of Breaking into Jail
Private Prisons
Criminal Justice 1101 06/T1
Troy State University
Mr. Loyal Evans
September 7, 2006
Atmore man accused of breaking into jail
Brewton, AL- Authorities have arrested an Atmore man accused of breaking into the
Escambia County Jail to deliver drugs to inmates. John Lee Davis III, 20 was charged
with the unlawful possession of a controlled substance, promoting prison contraband,
possession of marijuana and criminal trespass. Davis remained in jail on a $15,000 bond
Escambia County Sheriff spokesman Maj. Mike Murphy said corrections officers
monitoring security cameras on Aug. 14 noticed Davis scale the exercise yard fence
about10 p.m.
Murphy said officers watched him put items into a bag that had been lowered from a
broken window in the jail by inmates. Davis then climbed back over the fence.
Officers entered the inmate’s block where the bag came from and found a methadone pill,
Ecstasy pills, and tobacco with rolling papers, cigars and cigars laced with marijuana.
After a brief foot chase, officers arrested in a nearby bank parking lot.
Another person who dropped off Davis at the jail may face charges as an accomplice,
Murphy said.
Opening Statement:
Within this paper I will attempt to describe some of the ways that Private Prisons
operate. Also how some Private Prisons get to pick and choose whom that want in their
prisons. As I refer back to the Motivator, we can make the assumption that this is an
under manned jail/ person.
Private Prisons
With the cost of keeping prisoners on the rise, and the prison population continuously growing, some areas have decided to privatize their prisons. Private prisons are runs by companies and their purpose, just like any other company, is to turn a profit. Private prisons have been around for years and have a large number of people for them and against them. Some of the people against them say that they run poor prisons because of their desires to cut costs by any means necessary. However, some people are for them because they say that they are necessary to cut the cost of maintaining prisons to the public. There is no shared consensus on which type of prison is better.
Politics have played a big part in the emergence of private prisons. One of the reasons for this is because of the cost. A political figure who has to spend a large amount of money for corrections might be more inclined to sell off his cities, states, counties, prisons cost in order to save the citizens money. Another reason that politics have played a role is because of overcrowding issues that many prisons have faced. Since the prison population is on the rise and more people are being sentenced to longer terms there is a problem of where to put all of the criminals. With all of the public prisons being filled up, the private ones are being sent prisoners to relieve the overcrowding situation in prisons. This helps the public prisons because they do not have to worry about the issues involved with overcrowding, and it also helps the private prisons because they get to take on more inmates.
With the Public prisons filling up and private prisons taking prisoners off of their hands, the issue