Be Alive Speech
By: Kevin • Essay • 940 Words • April 2, 2010 • 1,245 Views
Be Alive Speech
Today, IЎЇm going to talk about key concepts covered in class.
Some of these key concepts are the following: the sacredness of the human body, regardless of appearance, the dignity of every person, everyone is created in the image and likeness of God and the Fifth Commandment. All of these concepts connect and relate with one another and youЎЇll see why at the end.
Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God
and it remains for ever in a special relationship with the Creator.
No one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being. The fifth commandment is Ў°You shall not kill.Ў± Exodus 20:13.
The fifth commandant underlines the sacredness of the human life. Human life is sacred from the moment of conception to the moment of death.
God calls us to respect and protect the dignity of every human being. Violence always undermines human dignity and is therefore against the fifth commandment.
It is our duty to avoid those things which lead to or promote violence and to support those things that encourage true peace.
God wants us to understand just how valuable the human life is and how much the human body along with the human soul and spirit is a path of GodЎЇs plan. God values the human body so much that the Son of God became fully human.
By becoming human right at the moment of conception, the son will help people understand that human life and the body are sacred from the moment of conception. The human body is precious to God no matter what stage of development ItЎЇs in and no matter what is or isnЎЇt able to do.
And if God goes through adolescence like every other human, then more teenagers will understand that their bodies must be respected and valued no matter how much their hormones are raging. When the son becomes human, everyone will see that the human body just like the human soul has dignity and because it is in the image of God, whatЎЇs more, nothing can destroy that image or take away that dignity.
God also wants human beings to understand that a person doesnЎЇt become any less valuable and a human body doesnЎЇt lose its dignity just because it is weak, disfigured, or in pain. As Catholics, we are to care for, respect, and value people who are sick, old and disabled as well as human beings in their motherЎЇs wombs. We are also to avoid every kind of excess that will damage our health and life. We must not abuse ourselves by eating unhealthy, abusing alcohol and drugs.
Ў°We are GodЎЇs work of art, created in Christ Jesus for the good works which God has already designated to make up our way of lifeЎ± Ephesians 2:10. A true work of art is original and unique. When Paul says that we are GodЎЇs work of art, he is saying that each one of us is original and unique. Each one of us reflects GodЎЇs image in a slightly different way. All of us together help reveal the vastness of God.
Genesis 1:27 states, Ў°God created humankind in his imageЎ± which proves that we are made in the likeness and image of God.