Benefits of Choosing the Single Lifestyle
By: Linh Bear • Business Plan • 1,256 Words • November 9, 2014 • 763 Views
Benefits of Choosing the Single Lifestyle
Single Life – A Preferable Choice among Western Youngsters
Nguyễn Thùy Linh
Hoàng Phương Lan
Hanoi University
Secondary Research
Lecturer: Hồ Quỳnh Giang
Hanoi, 8th December, 2013
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Benefits of Choosing the Single Lifestyle 4
I. Enjoy the Freedom 4
II. Richer and More Self-Controlled in Finance 4
Refutation 5
Conclusion 7
References 8
In the old days, marriage was considered as an important part of each person whereas single status was really not welcome and most of all families tried the best to help their children avoid this situation. However, today, being single has become more popular, first and foremost among Western youngsters. It is clear that the singles have been growing as a significant percentage of the population. A study in the United States has shown that, between 1960 and 1975, the number of adults between the ages of 20 and 34 who have never been married increased by 50%, while in the same period, the divorce rate doubled (Cargan, 1985). Obviously it is undeniable that the rise of troubles that married people have to face recently is the major cause of this problem. This leads to the postponing marriage of young generation nowadays. Younger people, who are more likely to accept alternative lifestyle, are less dependent on marriage and many of them prefer to have some time for the single life before they marry. Being single not only provides a chance for personal development but also an opportunity to learn how to be self-supporting. It is a good time to display the confidence and independence for the young singles (Riker & Brisbane, 1997).
Benefits of Choosing the Single Lifestyle
Enjoy the freedom
First of all, youngsters choose single because being single means they have much free time. A survey indicates that the singles are free – they come and go as they please without worrying about baby sitters, they sleep nights without being woken up by the children and they go on vacation anywhere they like. Focusing on time, it does appear that the singles have more time than the marrieds. The singles are likely to be spending more time on visiting friends (66% versus 39%) and on hobbies (71% versus 56%). They go out socially twice a week (22% versus 16%) and be out three or more times (30% versus 8%) (Cargan, 1985). Additionally, it is revealed that a career, for some youngsters, is all the challenge they need. They have a special dedication to their work. Such people often make important contributions to their communities and to the society in general. Many career-minded singles appreciate the flexibility since they can move and change jobs as needed and desired. Without strong ties, relocation is much easier (Riker & Brisbane, 1997). It is a good time for young singles to enjoy the freedom of their own lifestyles and learn how to be self-supporting.
Richer and More Self-Controlled in Finance
Furthermore, the singles have nothing to worry about except themselves so they ought to be richer than marrieds. It is reported that single youngsters have no spouses and children to support, they live in fancy condominiums or bachelor pads. Singles hardly realize that many marrieds are young but they are at the bottom of the economic ladder and others are divorced, trying to support children and two households. On the whole, marrieds are better off economically than singles (Chambers, 2012). Some studies found that youngsters tend to marry less as their incomes increase. The more they can support themselves financially, the better their options are in choosing a lifestyle. Especially women, when they learn how to handle finances first, they are no longer dependent on men for their livelihood. Due to better educational and career opportunities, many women do have the means to support themselves. As a result, women feel less pressure to find men to take care of them. Thus, women are more likely to stay single instead of choosing marriage for economic necessity (Howe, 2012). Therefore, being single can bring youngsters much money and the awareness of controlling their own finance.
Even though the idea of singlehood has changed over the years in a better way, many people still have prejudices and stereotypes about being single. They have inumerable myths about singehood and many of them are really not true. For example, an unfair idea about singles is that they pursue a reckless lifestyle. In fact, very few have enough time and energy to lead a licentious life after fulfilling the current work and personal schedule. Moreover, people are more cautious about sexual relationships today because of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (Riker & Brisbane, 1997). Consequently, that is nonsensical to think that almost single people have an unhealthy lifestyle. On the other hand, the assumption that nearly all single people are lonely is completely inaccurate (Cargan, 1985). Although many singles admit that living alone is not perfect, however, they also report that loneliness is not really a problem. By developing strong family and social contacts, people can absolutely be, and are, comfortable in the single lifestyle. There is no deny that the world is full of different kinds of people with differrent needs and personalities. What is right for one person is not necessarily right for another. Singlehood can be chosen because it is right for some individuals. This is not a selfish decision. People who choose singlehood can be happy and have a positive influence on the world as anyone else (Riker & Brisbane, 1997).