Biography of Abraham Maslow
By: Anna • Essay • 397 Words • May 23, 2010 • 1,369 Views
Biography of Abraham Maslow
There have been many great psychologists, psychoanalysts, immunologists, endocrinologists, and psychotherapists that have made a name for themselves here in America. Sigmund Freud, Carl Rogers, Stanley Milgram, Walter Cannon, and Janice Glaser are just a few. However, the one who piques my interest more than Freud or any other person who has extensively studied psychology as in depth and thoroughly as the ones above mentioned is Mr. Abraham Harold Maslow. Out of all psychologists in the known world, there has never been and never will be anyone who comes close to his ideas, thoughts, actions, and psychoanalyses of the human mind.
Maslow was born on April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He was the oldest of seven children born to his Jewish parents that emigrated from Russia. They had no education and wanted Maslow to get as much education as he could while living here in America. He did as his parents wished of him, and that eventually caused him to be a very shy, lonely child. He turned to books for comfort, and became a very smart student. After graduating high school, he tried to satisfy his parents by enrolling in City College of New York to study law. He was only there for three semesters before transferring to Cornell, but he eventually returned to City College of New York. Of course, as we all know, Maslow