By: Victor • Essay • 500 Words • June 9, 2010 • 1,946 Views
Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a time of great change in America. In the mid-nineteenth century, Americans began to experience a shift in focus from the once stringent religious outlook to a more scientific view of the world and its natural wonders. Americans, however, did look at these new scientific discoveries with much hesitation, questioning their long-term effects on society as a whole. Hawthorne' s work, "The Birth Mark echoes these sentiments and combine natural faith with a confidence in science to make a very interesting tale. This tale and its morality convey a message to the reader that there is a price for tampering with the natural order of things.
This story opens by explaining how educated and knowledgeable Aylmer is, and the narrator even suggests that he may have the power to alter nature. " We know not whether Aylmer possesses this degree of faith in man's ultimate control over nature (Birthmark, 1262 )."As Aylmer tries to use science to alter nature, or in this case, the birthmark on his wife's cheek, his plan backfires and his wife dies. The death of Georgiana shows that knowledge is dangerous if used in the wrong way. The influence of the evolution of culture has caused men to educate themselves, and learn extensive amounts about science. However, some men like Aylmer take advantage of their intelligence and try to play the role of God. Aylmer allowed his mind to consume his heart, resulting in the senseless death of his beautiful wife.
Culture teaches men that if they learn enough that they can manipulate nature; however, in the Birthmark, Hawthorne shows that intelligence still can't overcome nature and thus culture is self-destructive. The fact the whole story is about