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By:   •  Essay  •  440 Words  •  April 15, 2010  •  1,210 Views

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Imtiaz Dharker’s poem can be read in two ways. A straightforward reading might suggest that the poem is simply a description of an incident when a pipe bursts and people run excitedly for the water.

A more considered reading, however, would see the poem as being more ominous and disturbing.

Under the apparent good fortune and excitement of the scene are darker ideas about the poverty and superstition of the people in the poet’s native country.

It is the second reading we will be exploring in this revision programme.

Either way, the attitude to water in the poem should make us in the West wonder at how much we all take for granted, and how too often we squander the earth’s resources.

Dharker paints for the reader a vivid scene using visual and aural imagery.

For instance, after opening with a powerful visual image, the poet goes on to make us hear the smallest noise ‘echo/ in a tin mug’, before upping the sound level with the ‘roar of tongues’ as people descend on the pipe.

The title of the poem appears to be ironic.

These people are not blessed - they have little water of their own. Only superstition could lead them to count this ‘municipal pipe’ burst as a blessing.

In reality, it shows the poor state of the pipes, part of the city’s basic infrastructure, pipes that should be carrying water to the people. The fact that the people live in ‘huts’, that the children are ‘naked’ and that everyone is ‘frantic’ for the water tell us a lot about the living conditions.



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