Bmw Films
By: Tommy • Case Study • 1,655 Words • May 15, 2010 • 1,449 Views
Bmw Films
1 Problem/Issue Statement
1.1 The Films
The popularity of the short films create positive buzz around the BMW brand name, and anticipation for more short films to be released. The problem is how to extend the buzz and ride on the popularity of the films while circumventing potential moves by competition to copy this marketing device and for the device to lose novelty appeal.
1.2 Focus of the attention
Another issue is that the films are so successful, if BMW continue to promote this films or make their production into a tradition, the limelight might be stolen from the cars. BMW is a producer of automobile, and not films. BMW should consider how to refocus the attention of the public on its brand promise and message.
2 Analysis of Problem
BMW is one of the leading automobile maker in the world. The short films used to promote its image as an innovator are very successful, and the buzz around them is good for the company and brand image. But their success may not be sustainable, nor extendable. The decision of whether to continue to make more films have to be decided.
2.1 SWOT Analysis
2.1.1 Strength
BMW is a well recognized brand with well loved products.
The company has a professional marketing team that is used to using unconventional marketing devices and ready to push the limit to try something new.
2.1.2 Weakness
New product launches require different methods, and short films may not be the most suitable treatment.
The automobile product line has limited room to be too creative.
2.1.3 Opportunities
The positive buzz around the original film provide opportunities to create new films.
Strong brand recognition provide opportunities to do something different.
New segments of car owners are more open to alternative marketing strategies.
2.1.4 Threats
Competitors may start to copy the idea and produce similar short films
Strong support for the films may not translate into support for the products
2.2 SWOT Strategy Generation
Using SWOT Strategy Generation, the SWOT analysis results are meshed to produce strategies that can be used to resolve the issue.
2.2.1 SO Strategies: use strength to take advantage of Opportunities
Use marketing team to create new marketing devices that are different from the films.
Use marketing team to create more short films.
Create marketing collateral related to the films like collectors items, picture books, posters etc.
2.2.2 ST Strategies: use strength to overcome threats
Use marketing team to produce new differentiated films in different styles to pre-empt attempts by competitors to copy the original films.
Organize live events to provide physical association of the film with the cars used in them, to strengthen the association between the film and the products.
2.2.3 WO Strategies: use opportunity to overcome weakness
Use creative marketing team to create more devices to showcase new product launches, and move away from the short film format
Use strong brand recognition to market related products beyond automobile
2.2.4 WT Strategies: reduce weakness and avoid threats
Use different marketing devices to widen the influence of the short films, like autograph session with the stars and director etc.
Sponsor short film competition and festivals to create a strong relationship between BMW and the short film format. Effectively creating a barrier to entry against competition who wants to create similar films.
2.3 Critical Issues
Based on the SWOT analysis and strategy generation, it can be concluded that the buzz provided by the films are very positive, and enhanced the company’s image. However, the company should look forward to create more innovative strategies and devices to showcase its new products.