Body Dissatisfaction
By: jado • Essay • 442 Words • May 11, 2010 • 1,097 Views
Body Dissatisfaction
What do we see when we turn on the tv ? Beautiful thin people. What do we see when we buy magazines ? most probably thin beautiful people. And we wish this was only related to the fashion and clothing industry!! First, Thin models are there to sell us gadgets and cars, and ironically when we do purchase these stuff we never get the girl with it! Second, they're there to show us a nice hotel or spa we can go to, but we never find them there! Third, they're in the movies we watch that are supposed to portray our life, so our real lives must include them. What does this phenomenon of glamour girls and flashing celebrity stars bring us? Nothing but damage to society!
Because of it, girls are "weighing" their self esteem, because of it guys are getting plastic surgery…this influence on young people has reached a point where its controlling the way they see themselves and the way they see others. There is too much pressure on them to look good, whereas most of them are not as "pretty" as the actors and models who have a whole crew that spends hours making them look beautiful. It just pushes them to try harder and harder to unusual extremes. Those extremes include depression, eating disorders such as anorexia, bigorexia, to body modification with plastic surgery. MTV's I want a famous face is the top show that presents this problem, they're making teenagers look like their idol actor, but I think there's a big cost that no one sees on tv: depression, change, pain, even weirdness!... Moreover, anorexia is the problem