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By:   •  Essay  •  264 Words  •  April 29, 2011  •  1,348 Views

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Recommended Reading List

• Paul Whitmore (Grad Student, Social Psychol ogy)

kahneman, slovic & tversky ; judgment and uncertainty: heuristics and biases

thomas schelling ; micromotives and macrobehavior

william james ; the principles of psychology (esp. the chapters on the self,stream of consciousness, and habit)

gilovich; how we know what isn't so


• Barbara Tversky (Professor, Cognitive Psychology)

Steve Pinker, The Language Instinct

George Lakoff, Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things

Anthony Damasio, Descartes' Choice

Richard Gregory, The Intelligent Eye

Doug Hofstadter and Dan Dennett, The Mind's I

Doug Hofstadter, Godel, Escher, Bach (first 100 or so pages)

George Miller, (something about language), a Freeman Scientific American publication

Books I have not read but suspect are good: Pinker's new book, How the Mind Works; Tom Gilovich's book(s) on judgment/social psych.


• Dan Levittin (Visiting Scholar and Lecturer, Interval Research)


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