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Before we know it, everybody on the earth will be unhappy, if not everybody already is. Nobody is completely 100 percent satisfied with their life. Not saying anybody should, because nothing is and ever will be perfect. However, there is plenty that is forcing us to be unhappy. Being unhappy can range and vary so much. Every single situation is different. The importance of this is to get to the very root of the problem, which is being brainwashed. As Henry Makow said in his article about being brainwashed, “Powerful forces in government, corporations, media and education are brainwashing us. Daily, they assault our identities as males and females, husband and wives, fathers and mothers.” To completely understand what Henry is saying, possibly I can list a few examples. What I have in mind is advertisement. Advertisers are looking to target people, especially weak minded people that are easily convinced. Whether you think you are weak minded or not, you probably are weak minded to some extent, subconsciously or not. Not saying that I am a very strong minded person. I believe that I too, have been a victim of being brainwashed. The problem with it is the majority of citizens in today’s world are not doing anything about it. Most of them do not think about this, well as far as we know right? We think nobody thinks about this because nobody raises the subject. Everybody could possibly be thinking about it and just not saying anything. This is why we have to do something about it.

Advertisers are targeting teenagers, subconsciously tricking them into thinking and doing certain things. As a very broad example, teenagers are convinced that unless they don’t get an iPod they won’t be as cool. If you tell this to a teenager that they are brainwashed into thinking that, some are so deep in they will call you a fucking idiot. Some teenagers, like me, see the light, and realize this and want to put it to an end. We have to understand the subconscious mind, and overcome the powerful creators of the brainwashing, putting this to an end. The littlest things, which come out of somebody’s mouth, or is said on a TV show or movie, or that is advertised could have the biggest impact on the audience’s life. No matter whom it is, and what they may say, unfortunately most of us will just listen. What I am talking about includes judgment comments and observation comments on basically us. This is of course if it is a friend, or family member, or someone who you listen to. It could be a stranger who just says something about you, whether it is good or bad. Your subconscious mind, and sometimes your conscious mind, will take it, over analyzes it, and change you. Whether we think it affects us or not, it does.

From TV commercials, to movies, music, billboards, advertisements, slogans, the way things are displayed affects on how we think. If an actor has this type of character in a movie, says the things, and does the things he does, this will brainwash us. Propaganda has a big deal to do with brainwashing. In a TV commercial I saw the other day, an attractive woman was sitting at a bus stop next to a non attractive woman (that was what they wanted to get across) and the non attractive person was eating a sandwich. The attractive person turns and looks at the non attractive women and says, “I hate you.” Ugly woman responds by saying, “Wow really? Thanks” and gasps for air and acts honored that she spoke to her, because the attractive women envied the ugly one because she had a good sandwich. That right there disgusts me. Whether you believe it or not, that has a big affect on basically every woman’s self-esteem subconsciously or not. If we envy a movie character, some will try to act like them. It is as if everybody in the world is going through an identity crisis. Yes, including me.

Frustration builds in all of us, especially me. Do you ever feel like something just is not right? You can’t put your finger on it, and if you can, it is more than just one thing. The overall big picture just does not seem right. Well you are not just being paranoid; you sense the light of becoming un-brainwashed. The thing that is not right is basically society. Power forces of the government, corporations, media, and education, like I said earlier is brainwashing us. They are attacking our self-esteem, and our whole outlook on life. Constantly we are thinking we want change, we need change to be happier, as in change is getting MORE things. More stuff, which should be completely

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