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Burberry Case Analysis

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Burberry Case Analysis


Project report


Consumer Behavior for Cadbury Schweppes Dairy Milk

Under the guidance of : Submitted by:

Prof. Bikramjeet Rishi Varun Singhal 06FT-111

Vipin Tyagi 06FT-113

Yogesh Gupta 06FT-115

Yogesh Poddar 06FT-118

Samrath Pal Singh 06FT-120



We take this opportunity, to thank our facilitator Prof. Bikramjeet Rishi, who gave us the opportunity to work on this project as a part of our course. Under his kind and able direction and support we were able to give shape to this work.

We would also like to thank everyone, who has responded to our questionnaires, without which we would not have been able to do the analysis, which we have been able to accomplish.

We would also like to thank the shopkeepers of Sec 10, Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad and Aggarwal Sweet Corner, Vikas Puri who allowed us to stand in front of their outlets so that we could interact with the customers.

Finally, we would like to thank all those people whose efforts have contributed directly or indirectly, to the completion of the project. Their efforts are greatly appreciated by all of us.

Executive Summary

The report tries to analyze, Cadbury’s Dairy Milk as a brand from all the perspectives of brand loyalty, behavioral occasions, influencer, purchase and usage rate.

The study involved analysis of both the primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected by the group, from sector 10, Kavi nagar market and Aggarwal sweet corner, Delhi. Few questionnaires were also filled by respondents in Kolkata. The analysis of the data has been done using SPSS software using age along with various parameters.


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