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Bush’s Environmental Record

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Bush’s Environmental Record

In the essay Bush’s Environmental Record, by Bob Herbert, President Bush’s lack of action to protect the environment is challenged by Herbert. Herbert clearly disapproves of how Bush has been handling environmental issues, and Herbert provides poignant examples of Bush’s non-effort to make changes that would protect the environment. Herbert’s sharp illustration of Bush’s environmental track record made it easy for me to side with his argument.

Over the years our environment has endured suffering from the effects of pollution caused by technology and the human population. The power to curb environmental destruction lies in the hands of every human being. As human beings, we have the ability to make choices that will improve our environment. From recycling to carpooling, there are many everyday choices we can make to protect the environment we live in.

There is a special group of people among us that also have the power to protect our environment on a larger scale, that group being our government leaders. Government leaders like President Bush have the power to regulate industrial companies that contribute to the destruction of our environment (Herbert, p. A-8). Bush has neglected opportunities to support the protection of the environment. For example, in reference to the Kyoto Protocol, Herbert states:

…the president broke his campaign promise to regulate the industrial emissions of

carbon dioxide…Bush has also turned his back on the Kyoto Protocol, which

would require industrial nations to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and

other green house gases. (Herbert, p. A-8)

Environmental hazards not only take a toll on our Earth,

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