Busting Out
By: Yan • Essay • 519 Words • April 8, 2010 • 952 Views
Busting Out
This movie was a great movie; it was about women and breasts. It told a story of how breasts are portrayed in our society and how men think of them. In our society we are taught that breasts are for sexual pleasure, whereas in Africa the butt is for sexual pleasure, not breast. Every culture is different. The woman who documented this movie asked one male about what he thought about breasts and got a response to a few names that breast is called, such as the Chewbacca breast which is a hair nipple. I didn't realize that people created so many names for different characteristics of women's breasts. The woman doing this documentary wasn't confident with her breasts and had a hard time accepting them, since breast cancer took her mother, she didn't think breasts were anything good.
Being a high school girl with large breasts targeted you as "easy." Which in my opinion is completely ridiculous, you can't control puberty and how fast you develop. Decades ago, mothers would bind the bottom of their daughters heels and toes so their feet would be only 3 inches long because that was what was considered beautiful and that's what men were attracted to, small feet. These mothers tried to control the biology of their bodies and prevent healthy growth from happening just to please men and for their daughters to be considered beautiful.
There is also a controversy about breast fed babies and formula fed babies. Hospitals get paid to give mothers brand name formula that can't give the infant nutrients that breast milk can give. To me this is absurd; I would think the hospitals would inform the mothers that breast feeding will give the baby more nutrients that the formula can't. A study showed that 1.5 million infants/babies die each year that are formula fed.