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Buy Back Policy

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Buy Back Policy

Ust Inc


In 1998 the U.S smokeless tobacco industry generated $2 billion of retail revenue with approximately 5 million consumers of moist tobacco and 7 million consumers of chewing tobacco including loose leaf, twist, plug and dry. Moist smokeless tobacco consumption approximated 50% of the total. The factors contributing to the continuous growth of the moist smokeless tobacco was the increased prevalence of smoking bans which had led customers to switch to smokeless tobacco and the fact that smokeless tobacco was less expensive to use than cigarettes based upon an average per-week usage measurement. Additionally, consumers have been shifting over time to moist smokeless tobacco from loose leaf chewing tobacco. While the consumer base remains primarily male, smokeless tobacco is no longer confined to the stereotypical blue collar or rural users as approximately 30% of users had attended college. The overall moist smokeless tobacco market was expected to continue to grow at an annual

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rate of 1-3% with a larger portion of the growth expected to be in the price value segment.

UST is the dominant producer of moist smokeless tobacco, or moist snuff controlling approximately 77% of the market. UST also has other business interests such as wine, cigars and international marketing of moist smokeless tobacco. UST has been a driving force in the overall expansion of the moist smokeless tobacco market over the years, primarily through product innovations such as new forms and flavors.

UST has been one of the most profitable companies, not only in the tobacco sector but also in corporate America. UST's five-year return on capital of 9.21% was nearly 20% higher than the 2nd ranked firm. UST maintained enviable margins with average gross profit, EBITDA, EBIT and net margins of 77%, 53%, 50% and 31% respectively. Annual return on equity averaged 89% and return on assets averaged 48%. Over the same period, UST also provided a generous return on capital to...

Case Study On Ust

1. What are the primary business risks associated with UST Inc.? What are the attributes of UST Inc.? Evaluate from the viewpoint of credit analyst or bond holder.

UST Inc. is a smokeless tobacco company with a long tradition and a recognizable brand name. A strong brand name can have lots of associations with high quality, revenues, soundness, growth, etc. But, this is one of the characteristics that can be like two edged sward. On one side, company with long tradition is expected to to operate in a stable and prosperous way as it always did, but on the other side, company itself can get too self confident and fail to see the newcomers and other threats. UST has ignored newcomers, and now they all have a growing market shares, while only UST Inc. total share, consequently, decreases. Smaller players are expanding their market share primarily by cutting prices, something that UST ignored. UST Inc. decided to fight competition not by decreasing prices, but with

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overstretching it product lines. However, this might not be the best solution. As the main player in the market, they had the better position to take on and win in the price war. If UST Inc. had been able to take this step, competitors probably would not be able to follow the price decrease imposed by the UST Inc and at least some of them would be shut down. So as one of the biggest drawbacks of UST's policy can be slow reaction to new market conditions and worse of all ? when they react the reaction is inappropriate.

However, financial situation of the firm plays a very important role in the decision of the bondholder and this company has been one of the most profitable companies America in terms of ROE, ROA ad gross profit margin. Apart from decrease in earnings and cash flow in 1997, UST had continuous increases in sales (10-year compound annual growth rate of 9%), earnings (11%) and cash flow (12%). They are generating their cash flows out of the operations. Thanks to their premium...

United States Tobacco (UST) should increase the leverage in its capital structure by incurring $1 billion in debt. Debt financing will increase the value of the firm by creating a tax shield and allow UST to repurchase approximately 25 million shares, which in turn, will enable UST to increase

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