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Can the Sanity of the American Population Be Questioned?

By:   •  Coursework  •  319 Words  •  April 10, 2015  •  881 Views

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Can the Sanity of the American Population Be Questioned?

We are fired on ever side in this "war for our minds". America is led by it's own arrogance, history, and psychiatric professionals that assertane what sane is this, or what insane is this. It is this, or that. There is something that I think certain societies in the American continent know about, and utilize. As a pre note the words of John F. Kennedy " There is a plot in this country to make every man, woman, and child a slave". Nine day's later he was assassinated. Wether he knew something about the reality of this statement, or not, he in my opinion was an honest man, and I accredit what he said with at least honesty, or my appreciated integrity.

America knows how the psyche of a man works. It would be absurd to question this.  The mans goal image, or self image is the thing that makes a man what he is. Our brains see an image, and boom, we have input put into the goal image. What we choose to accept into our minds , or dismiss makes all the difference. Today the media, the internet, iphones, and all the connections we have with technology holds so many images. Literally, just images are a main process in our brains, psyches function as human beings.

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