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Ceasing the Poison

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Ceasing the Poison

Ceasing the Poison

Depo Provera (Depo), approved as a birth control method in the U.S. in 1992, is a synthetic hormone progestin injection lasting three months. It is used as a form of contraception, and as a form of chemical castration for sex offenders. It is 97-99.7% effective. According to the American Pregnancy Association, it works by preventing the ovary from releasing the egg, thickening the cervical mucus so sperm cannot travel up into the Fallopian tubes to fertilize an egg, and thinning the lining of the uterus so that a fertilized egg cannot implant. Given that the progesterone hormone used in Depo is chemically different than the natural progesterone in our bodies, it sometimes causes side effects different than those that our bodies would normally produce. (Frederick R. Jelovsek MD) “On Depo Provera I became depressed, fat, irritable, and uninterested in sex.” (Sarah Littlecrow-Russell) I can personally attest to this having taken the shot as means of birth control and I have experienced many of the side-effects that were not presented to me beforehand. Many women around the world are speaking out due to the complications this shot has produced in their lives. This is a risk that most would not be willing to take after experiencing the horrors it has the potential to bring. Depo is negatively impacting the lives of so many American women and teenagers and this should be taken into consideration before making the decision to use it. The best decision would be to simply revert to another method of birth control and ultimately women and the people they are close to will have a happier and healthier life. Due to the negative side effects both physical and psychological that can result from the Depo, I recommend that other alternatives for birth control be used.

The bottom line is that women should seek other alternative means of birth control that are safer. Depo’s side effects may be serious based on the alarming number of reports describing complications. Contraception methods should be safe for women who feel the need to take care of themselves. Using this shot would not constitute that. It is imperative that those who have used Depo and have experienced its negative outcomes speak out to prevent further use of this shot. Those who haven’t should find an alternative method of birth control. Most women are choosing to utilize the Hormone Progestin shot for contraception because of lack of proper knowledge of the possible side effects and complications it has been known to produce. Also, failure to obtain personal testimonies is common as well, which is important, especially seeing that this shot is so new on the market. In turn, there are no studies for Depo’s long term side effects. This drug not only affects the women, who choose to use it, but also affects those that are close to us due to the psychological, and in many cases, physical side affects it generates. In addition to there being a petition against Depo Provera, there is also a separate petition for the husbands, boyfriends and fathers of the women who are suffering as a direct result of Depo Provera. “I have watched my beautiful fiancйe turn into a miserable person. She was once fun loving and willing to try anything once. That has all changed all because she didn’t want to get pregnant. I watch her sit in front of the mirror and cry because her hair is falling out, the acne has become a permanent fixture on her face, and she has gained 60 lbs. I do not let her see the anger I have as it is all she can do to get up and go to work everyday. This birth control is affecting everyone, not just the women taking it. It affects every single person they come in contact with and it is not justified.” (Robert Williams) Robert is one of thousands of men unfairly dealing with the same issues as many others. Depo in itself is a major problem and its’ existence alone is the ultimate issue, but due to its premature nature and lack of sufficient testing, for now it is here to stay in the contraception choices available to sexually mature women.

Along with Depo, obviously, comes an array of side effects, most being negative. One effect that would concern most women is that fact that 70% of women gain weight on Depo and a great portion of that percentage gain more than 10 pounds. (Feminist Women’s Health Center) Some women report gaining more than 50 pounds. However, the weight gain is not usually due to the hormonal imbalance, but to an unsatisfiable hunger. (Susan Yudt-Planned Parenthood) An excruciatingly common side effect also includes depression and irritability. Weight gain would be enough to trigger this alone. If you have previously dealt with or are still dealing with depression, Depo will significantly increase it. (McKinley Health Center) Depo completely depletes your body of estrogen, a primary female hormone which blocks one of

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