By: Steve • Essay • 523 Words • May 24, 2010 • 941 Views
When I was a kid going to school, I never thought about what was bad in a book. I always just used to think that everything a teacher ever taught me was right. Now I look and research about censorship and I realize that there is a lot in books that should not be there.
I was reading about "Huckleberry Finn", and how some did not think that it was approiate to be read in school. I try and remember what the book was about and I know that it was a good book, but it did have some chose words in it. I do not think that they book is approiate for all ages, and that if a teacher chooses to read this to her class that she/he should get in contact with the parents first.
If I had a child in school, and the teacher sent out a newsletter regarding the material that would be taught and I did not agree with it, then I would politely ask the teacher if maybe there is something else that my child could do during this period. I believe that every parent is entitled to there opinion. If a parent does not agree with something then the educator should be respectful of that.
I do agree that some material in the schools should not be taught. Holidays for example, a lot of people have there own religion belief and I think that everyone should respect that. Religion is a big thing, and it is also a personal opinion. So every parent can say weather or not they want there child being taught about Christmas or Halloween.
Whenever I become a teacher, and I have to teach a English class, I believe that I would send out a newsletter and let the parents know what I would be teaching. If