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Change and Loss

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Change and Loss

Change and Loss


BSHS 461

Instructor ***********

University of Phoenix

Change and loss are facts of life for everyone. Learning how to cope and lead others to cope with change are acquired skills. In the human services field, there will be many different calls for change and for any leader or manager they must possess there skills to lead their people through the change and into new ground.

First of all in order to understand change in organizations we must know the levels of the organization. There are four primary organizational subsystems. Number one is the human social, number two is the administrative/structural, number three is the information/decision making, and number four is the economic/technological subsystem. Understanding these systems of an organization can greatly help in understanding the reasons for change and how to address them. For example, "A stable organization may suddenly be thrown into a state crisis as a result of an economic downswing or change in public policy." Knowing the reason for the change

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