Chapter 22
By: izxacc10 • Essay • 421 Words • April 26, 2011 • 975 Views
Chapter 22
Bessemer process: First inexpensive industrial process for the mass-production of steel from molten iron. The process is named after its inventor, Henry Bessemer.
Thomas Edison: American inventor who made the first electric light bulb.
Gottlieb Daimler: Used Otto's invention of the engine to power the first automobile.
Henry Ford: Began the assembly line to mass-produce his cars, U.S. became leader in automobile industry.
Wilbur and Orville Wright: Two American bicycle repairers designed and flew the first flimsy airplane.
Guglielmo Marconi: Italian pioneer invented the first radio.
Alfred Krupp: Inherited steel making business from father and brought up coal and iron mines that fed the business.
Louis Pasteur: 1870, showed link between germs and disease. Developed vaccine for rabies as well as a process called pasteurization.
Robert Koch: German doctor who identified the bacteria that caused tuberculosis.
Florence Nightingale: British nurse who worked to introduce sanitary measures in British hospitals. Also founded world's first school of nursing.
Joseph Lister: English surgeon who discovered how antiseptics prevented infection.
"cult of domesticity": Idealized women and the home.
atomic theory: Developed by Quaker school teacher John Dalton, showed how different kinds of atoms combine to make all chemical substances.
Charles Lyell: Offered evidence to show that the Earth had formed over millions of years.
natural selection: Developed by British naturalist Charles Darwin, states that all forms of life had evolved into their present state over millions of years.