By: Vika • Lab Report • 838 Words • May 15, 2010 • 1,083 Views
Objective: To create a chemiluminescent result with a reaction time longer than 3 to 4 seconds. Chemiluminescence is an electromagnetic radiation in the form of light. It can be emitted by ultraviolet, visible, or infrared light with the visible light being the most common as well as most useful. In this experiment we test a light creating reaction time by mixing a variety of reagents in order to produce the necessary chemiluminescent result. It is predicted that by altering the components of the mixture as well as ratios, the increase in reaction time will exist.
1. Obtain 13 test tubes and one 100 mL beaker with five plastic droplets to distribute the different reagents.
2. Fill 1/3 of 5 test tubes, each with one of the following chemicals:
--Luminol in 1.0M NaOH (Lumina)
3. There will be a total of 6 initial mixtures. Each will include two drops of each chemical involved.
4. Mix each of the following in one of the remaining test tubes. It is important to note that all mixtures will contain the Lumina and it is important to always add the bleach last, as this is the main reactant and it will be necessary to focus on and record results once it is mixed in with the other reagents, note any time that the reaction illuminates:
a. Lumina + DMSO + Bleach
b. Lumina + DMSO + HCl + Bleach
c. Lumina + H2O2 + HCl + Bleach
d. Lumina + H2O2 + DMSO + Bleach
e. Lumina + HCl + Bleach
f. Lumina + HCl + DMSO + H2O2 + Bleach
5. Record each of the reactions created by mixing the different reagents in each tube. It is important to note any change in color, dramatic temperature (heat), pH, bubbles, fizz, and any other noticeable effects. Also record the duration of lumination, if any.
6. Chose only one of the mixtures used in step 4 and repeat steps 4 and 5, this time mixing five drops of each chemical together in a test tube (here we used 5 drops Lumina + 5 drops H2O2 + 5 drops Bleach). Record results and illumination time.
7. Obtain the final test tube and again mix the same reagents together from step 6. This time modify the mixture by adding 10 drops of bleach and only five drops of all other chemicals involved in step 6 (here we used 5 drops Lumina + 5 drops H2O2 + 10 drops Bleach). Pay close attention to reaction time and note results.
2 Drops of each Reagent:
Mixture Lumina + H2O2 + Bleach Lumina + DMSO + Bleach Lumina + DMSO + HCl + Bleach
Lumina + H2O2 + HCl + Bleach Lumina + H2O2 + DMSO + Bleach
Lumina + HCl + Bleach
Lumina + HCl + DMSO + H2O2 + Bleach
Did Chemi-luminescence occur? YES NO NO YES YES NO YES
pH 10 10 1 11 9 7 9
Bright purple/yellow colored light, fizz, no odor Remained clear, oily looking, slight odor No reaction Few bubbles, slight odor, purple lighted reaction for 2 seconds, turned yellow once settled Fizz, odor, purple light for Ѕ second, later turned yellow No reaction Fizz, purple-blue light for 2 seconds
5 Drops of each reagent: 5 Drops of each reagent and 10 Drops of Bleach:
Mixture Lumina + H2O2 + Bleach Mixture