Child Prostitution
By: Mikki • Essay • 1,000 Words • June 13, 2010 • 2,247 Views
Child Prostitution
When someone says “Child Prostitution” to you, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Probably a foreign country that is poverty stricken and Isolated from the modern world, right? Wrong. Child and Teenage Trafficking is a problem here in the US just like any other country. And the ages of the children and teens is unbelievable. The demand for Younger and Younger Kids is growing at a rapid rate. Not just the girls, oh no, but boys also.! I, for one, believe that this is sick and horrifying. Prostitution of Minors is Illegal, Lethal, and Traumatizing and in this paper, I shall prove this statement.
When I was 9 years old, I was almost abducted by two men, whom I am going to refer to as Ben and Tom. At the time, I had no idea that I had two perverted, grown men watching and stalking me. I was living my life like any normal 9 year old girl living in a small, close-knit neighborhood: running around outside with my friends, who lived in the same neighborhood, playing and having fun. Ben and Tom were apparently acquaintances with the neighbors across the street. As my parents were later told, Ben and Tom would often make inappropriate sexual comments towards me while at the neighbors house. Also later told, They would Follow me discreetly when I went out riding bikes or roller blading with friends. One day, while riding home alone from a friends house, no more than two short blocks away, I noticed a blue, rusted, junkyard cadillac following me on the street beside of me. Not really thinking much of it, I went on riding until I came to the side road I had to take to get home. It just so happened that the side road was a steep hill and I was riding down. Well, when I had reached the middle of the hill, that same cadillac stopped dead center and one man, whom I know now to be tom, jumped out and started running after me! I instantly ditched my bike and started running the opposite direction, but, seeing as how I was on a steep hill and was also a small, weak, 9 yr old girl, I didn't
manage to get very far until
I felt someone grab hold of me, saying “your mine now, baby” and pull in the opposite direction I was running! I screamed and cried and kicked and Yelled for help but it seemed as though no one could hear me! But, just as we heard that rust bucket that you would call a car, I heard a gunshot ricochet of it! I was dropped. I heard many more shots fired. Fired up until I heard screeching tires and a lot of yelling. Soon after the camotion was over, I was surrounded by a man and woman asking me questions like “are you ok hunny?” and “did they do anything to you? “ and “what is your name?”. They took me inside, called my parents for me, and once my parents got there, called the police. So, to show some relevance for my story and to make an even longer story shorter, I have been terrified to go ANYWHERE by myself and when I do, I always end up looking over my shoulder every five seconds. For years after that happened, I had nightmares about those men....... and still do from time to time. The whole experience was extremely traumatizing to me! Point being is even though I didn't
get fully abducted, I can still empathize and I still know what it’s like to have a strange person trying to take me..... and I can garuntee that they