Children of the Western Eye
By: Mike • Essay • 1,038 Words • May 3, 2010 • 1,081 Views
Children of the Western Eye
The sept of Garou to the North of the city is dominated by Uktena, although there are also a lot of Children of Gaia there and a reasonable number of other tribes of Garou as well.
The Caern
Muir Woods National Monument, surrounded by Mt. Tamilpais State Park. Mt. Tamilpais is a mountain, the tallest one on the Marin peninsula, from whose peak one can look to the San Fransisco Bay to the east, and the Pacific Ocean to the West. Garou Kinfolk among the park rangers keep track of visitors who might try to disturb the caern. Paths protected by magic and woodcraft allow only those in the know to reach the caern itself.
The Kinfolk
Several families of Uktena kinfolk (the Walker family, the Ash family, and the Summerwind family, plus some smaller ones), and a large extended family of kin to Children of Gaia (including Agenopolous, Fiero, and Svensens among others), are associated with the sept; however these associations are relatively recent with the exception of the Summerwinds. Phoebe Wolf-Dreams is a Summerwind. It gains Reknown within the sept to take a mate from one of the associated families. There are also a few packs of Lupus Uktena kinfolk around, and their association with the sept is a longstanding one. One wolf in particular is greatly honored because she is the mother of both Flying-Stones and Silent Fist-that-wins. She is ancient but still living because of the care of her sons and their friends for her health. One of her female ancestors is also the mother of March Lion.
The Garou
The younger Garou of the sept are mostly Homid, but the older Garou are equally mixed between Lupus and Homid. Most of the Lupus are Uktena, also, though the Homid are a mix of many different tribes. There are a few Metis in the sept as well, though most Metis feel uncomfortable and unwelcome enough that they go join the Stone Shadows sept or another sept elsewhere, where their kind is more acceptable. This is unusual in a sept with so much Child of Gaia influence, and is mostly due to the large numbers of Lupus in relatively powerful positions. The Metis arent mistreated in the Western Eye. Rather they are condescended to.... Celeste Snowtop is one of the worst about this, treating all Metis as children in many ways. Celeste's own two Metis daughters are two of the higher Ranking Metis that have remained with the sept over the years. She has a Metis son as well, but he hasn't
been seen in a while...
Leaders of the Western Eye Sept
Sept Alpha:
Flying-Stones: Uktena Lupus Philodox
He took over as Sept Alpha recently as Celeste Snowtop decided she was reaching an age where her retirement was near. He had served as Sept Beta for several years before. Flying-Stones believes in including membars of all tribes of Garou into the sept. He also believes in maintaining close ties to the nearby Kinfolk. In this he has the agreement of most of the sept members and the full support of Celeste Snowtop. They disagree, however, on the relationship the sept should have with other supernaturals. Flying-Stones feels the Garou should keep all others at a distance, except in truly unusual circumstances. Even other changing breeds, of which there are currently none in the sept.
Sept Beta:
Celeste Snowtop: Child of Gaia Homid Philodox
She was the leader of the sept until very recently. Celeste believes in a very inclusive organization, however, she realizes her beliefs are extreme and does not impose them on the sept she leads. Now that she is Beta, however, she feels more free to inflict her radical unitarianism, so to speak, on the sept. She speaks of alliance with all other changing breeds and their acceptance as sept members. Celeste would also like to accept Gangrel vampires if they wish to join, or any other person with the required shapechanging ability... if she knew Pookas existed, she'd probably take them, too.