By: Bred • Essay • 356 Words • April 3, 2010 • 949 Views
The cocaine use in the college scene has gotten to the point where everyone is someway aquinted with a user of this drug. The people using the drug has taken then partying to the next level, and somhow this needs to stop.
The users at a party sit around in a circle around a mirrior making lines of coke to each of them, and then they all snort it. This is something that really turns out bad, because the first try would most likely spark an addiction. The first suggestion on how to deal with this raise on cocaine use from college students is to have more P.S.A.'s on tv about harder drug such as cocaine. They also need to make sure these are on tv that college students actaully watch.
The drug is a expensive addiction that eats away at your body that could ruin your life, and possibly kill you. Another thing that could be done is monitor the trafficking
of the drug, by making sure all little airports are checked regulary. Also the borders should have drug detecting stuff as cars pass through, and if that is't possible have drug dogs that could sniff out the drug as car stop at border. I think this would help dramaticly on ground trafficking