Colleges in America
By: regina • Research Paper • 746 Words • March 21, 2010 • 1,174 Views
Colleges in America
Colleges and universities in the United States have different admission policies. Two of them are: lenient admission policies and strict admission policies. Colleges and universities in the United States that have a lenient admission policy require only a high school diploma or GED, and a passing score on their placement tests. However, colleges and universities that have strict admission policies make it very hard for many of those applying to be admitted. Some examples of strict admission requirements are a high school diploma, a high, high school GPA, extracurricular activities, and a high SAT score. Elite universities usually have strict admission policies and they give preference to children of alumni and varsity athletes. There are advantages and disadvantages to both types of admission policies.
There are some positive aspects to lenient admission policies in colleges and universities in the United States. The applicants with limited English proficiency find it easy to be accepted by colleges and universities with lenient admission policies, and thus can pursue their academic studies. To be accepted by these colleges and universities, they have to have a passing score on their placement exams, which are easier than the TOEFL or the SAT. Furthermore, the applicants who have poor academic preparations, because their families could not afford to have them attend excellent high schools, for example, have a good chance of attending colleges with open admission policies. They may come from poor families with low incomes, and they attended schools where the teachers are not well qualified, because they are not paid enough. Those applicants find it easier to score higher on the individual placement exams in colleges and universities with open admission policies, than on the national SAT , which are required by colleges and universities which have strict admission policies.
There are several negative aspects to lenient admission policies in colleges and universities in the United States. Most colleges with open admission policies are classified as low ranking colleges. Many students from these colleges find it more difficult to get very good paying jobs after they graduate, than the graduates from Ivy League colleges and universities. Moreover, many high school students might not study hard in high school, because they know they still have a good chance to be accepted by colleges with open admission policies. If their score is above the passing score on the placement exams, those colleges and universities will accept them, whether their high school GPA is high or low.
There are some advantages to strict admission policies in colleges and universities in the United States. One of