Commercialization of Sports
By: Kevin • Essay • 298 Words • April 15, 2010 • 1,440 Views
Commercialization of Sports
The home-run records have also been baseballs most glorified records and in early nineties players started using steroids helping them hit homers. “Chicks dig the longball,” a baseball commercial with the Braves pitchers in the batting cage practicing hitting used to say. The chase for Maris’ home-run record captivated America and put the strike of 1994 in the past. In 2005 there now have been Congressional hearings on the issue of steroids in baseball and in the other major sports. The influence of commercialization not only helped lead the players into taking the steroids it also has influenced younger players to start taking steroids because power is what scouts starting looking for. The marketing of baseball has turned people so obsessed with home-runs that when Ichiro broke the single season hit record it basically went unnoticed. The over commercialization of baseball has hurt the way the game is played and the youth that inspire to some day become baseball players.
Money is the driving force behind the sports