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Communication Is Key

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Communication Is Key

Communication is Key

There are many different benefits to having diverse dynamics within a team. Communication seems to be the key to making the dynamics of a team work. A team is very much an interpersonal relationship with many potential benefits as well as pitfalls. The dynamics can often cause conflict within that team which can negatively affect their performance. It is common for people on a team to try to ignore or bury problems due to a desire to not create a scene. This can be very destructive because the issues do not get resolved. There are some specific steps that can be taken to resolve that conflict. When it comes to resolving an issue, the methods of doing so can be as dynamic as the team itself.

Dynamics are the forces at play that influence the behavior of a group. The feelings of inclusion or exclusion and who is responsible for what or how happy they are with it are some of the dynamics. How the meeting place or office is laid out, openly or as cubicles can affect how a team communicates. The enabling of hidden or side communication verses open group communication can adversely affect a team and the attitude. Rewards and recognition for great ideas and jobs well done should be given fairly and equally. No one should seem to be getting more privileges than others in a team. This could harbor feelings of resentment with the other members of that team. The way in which a team goes about solving problems, company policies or, the “status quo” can also affect the performance of a team (Team 2005).

Team dynamics provide great benefits of social interaction and communications. Social benefits of team dynamics includes interactive learning, exchanging different ideas, sharing opinions, supporting team members with any problems that may occur during the class. Teammates have the opportunity to socialize and introduce themselves, and their backgrounds and by doing so offer their life experiences. Each individual contributes a great deal of knowledge and diverse ideas to the team. One of the greatest social benefits that team dynamics can offer is the making of new friends. By doing so, they find ways to make their differences an asset rather than a liability.

Some of the educational benefits of team dynamics are learned by the interaction and problem solving that develops from projects. Individuals learn how to communicate effectively with in a group for the purpose of obtaining a common goal. The dynamics provide great opportunities to use and develop different skills and values. The educational benefits of team dynamics also come from group activities that may help a team learn how to effectively utilize their time.

There are numerous ways team dynamics can cause conflict. Most of us think of conflict as a negative, but team dynamics can create positive conflict that benefits the team or outcome. Positive conflicts in team dynamics can produce quality results for a team or organization. Having all members of the team communicate openly and fully participate in the sharing of ideas and perceptions will help build a cohesive team. Being open to understanding others needs in the team and open to constructive criticism from a different perspective can create a bond for the team. Positive conflict reinforces that disagreements are apart of debate and not to belittle or punish someone who disagrees with an opposing view or perspective. Bringing individuals together to form team presents many challenges. One way Positive conflict occurs in a team occurs when a wide range of people form a team. Different backgrounds that people bring to a team have an impact on how the team functions. If the team members had a very similar background, it might be safe to say that not many different ideas or innovations would occur. On the other hand, having people with differing opinions and ideas would bring that positive conflict and debate to the heart of the team dynamic. The last way team dynamics causes positive conflict occurs when the team knows the goal or objective, but does not know how to approach achievement. This opens countless positive conflicts for how, when, and what needs to be done to be successful. Positive conflict will create strategies and ideas from all team members to ensure that multiple ways of accomplishing the goal are considered.

There are various aspects of why there are negative conflicts in team dynamics. According to Dejanasz, Dowd, Schneider, “Negative conflict is dysfunctional and hinders the organizations or the person’s performance or ability to attain goals or objectives (2001, P. 244).” The team will not benefit if members feel that they cannot express themselves freely. For example, if a member of the team and has an idea or suggestion and other members perceive the idea as a waste of time then that member will feel stress and anxiety the next time he or she interact

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